
Obstacles of WFH

Posted on February 2, 2021

Numerous companies undertaking business in Thailand headhunter have since 2020 implemented a policy allowing or even requiring their employees to work from home either temporarily, permanently, or on a rotation basis. This is to protect their safety or that of others from both the first & second wave outbreaks of the coronavirus pandemic. However, many employees may find this policy difficult or restrictive because their properties are not designed for working from home due to a number of factors.

Homes are normally designed for occupants to feel comfortable in a relaxed environment fulfilling basic needs such as sleeping on a cozy bed, cooking for children, doing laundry, and watering flowers. The layouts of many houses will include a living room, bedroom, kitchen, small pantry, and a bathroom. A desk would normally be designated a tiny corner out of the way.

Other obstacles or uncontrollable factors restricting an ideal home working environment may for example include children running around the house, dogs barking, poor internet connectivity, and delivery guys knocking on the door. These interferences may make it difficult to convene successful virtual meetings often causing anger, frustration, and demotivation.


Therefore, Thailand headhunter is also described as important factors to be considered by both employers and employees whilst planning a work from the home policy are to ensure that all the necessary facilities required to achieve a successful outcome are in a place resembling as closely as possible a proper ‘work’ environment similar to that of an office.