
The Ministry of Labour has issued a new Ministerial Regulation (“MR”) in respect of work permit applications. This MR was issued in accordance with the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 2551 (2008), has been effective from 14 June 2011, and implemented since 1 July 2011.

The new MR has amended a number of requirements for work permit applications. The significant changes are summarized as follows:-

1. Changes in application forms

1.1 Application for new work permit (WP2)

The Ministry of Labour has changed the form for an application for a new work permit from form reference WP2 to form reference WP1 whilst the form WP2 will be used for unskilled workers from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia under a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”).

1.2 Application for renewal of work permit (WP5)

There has been a change in the form reference WP5. In addition, the form no longer requires the signature of representative of the employer, (only the signature of the applicant is required).

1.3 Application for work permit on behalf of an alien (WP3)

There has been a change in the form reference to WP3 and a photograph is no longer required.

2. Medical certificate

In accordance with the new MR, a medical certificate to support the work permit application must cover the following diseases:-

  • Leprosy
  • Tuberculosis
  • Drug addiction
  • Alcoholism
  • Elephantitus
  • Tertiary syphilis (new requirement)

Accordingly, all applicants will be required to have a blood test for tertiary syphilis.

3. Change of size of photograph

The size of the photograph for each applicant has been changed from 5×6 cm to 3×4 cm (passport sized photo).

4. Additional requirements for the extension of a work permit

The new MR provides additional requirements as regards the supporting documents required for the renewal of a work permit as follows:

  • A medical certificate (this was not required in the past)
  • VAT return (form PP30)

5. Cancellation of work permit

In accordance with the new MR, the cancellation of a work permit requires only an explanation letter from the employer addressed to the Ministry of Labour stating that the employee no longer works for them. The form reference WP10 is no longer required.