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Employee Recognition

Posted on May 17, 2022

What is employee recognition? How important is employee recognition?  These are some of the most frequently asked questions that recruitment agency Thailand consultants encounter.

Employee recognition is an important aspect of any successful well run business, which any knowledgeable, qualified and experienced human resource department should be fully aware about.

Employee recognition can be defined in many ways and aspects to be focused on may include the employee’s points of view, ideas or even contributions to the company they are working for, if they are valuable ones. It expresses an appreciation of the contributions of employees as well as the outcomes of those achievements. Sometimes there is an employee award referred to as an employee rewards and recognition one.

Organizations can benefit immensely from employee recognition. The following are examples of employee recognition benefits:-

  1. Increased work efficiency

When employees feel appreciated, they will be more motivated and driven.

  1. Attract other potential applicants to work with the same organization

Employee focus is not just for active employees. It also reflects the positive attitude and culture of the organization. Happy employees lead to a happy work place. This also attracts people from outside to join the organization by word of mouth of the happy active employees.

  1. Reduce employee turnover

Appreciating the achievements of employees creates a friendly environment. This helps build a good morale for existing employees and strengthens the retention strategy for the best employees in an organization. This then directly reduces the cost of recruiting new employees for the organization.

  1. Increase employee engagement

Appreciated employees become significantly more engaged with the organization. They will participate more with the organization.  Moreover, they become more confident and their trust in management increases.

  1. Promote good corporate culture

When employees are aware that there exists a good corporate culture in an organization, they invariably become more willing to work hard and are less concerned about money preferring to be part of a truly happy workplace.

RSM Recruitment Thailand has been operating successfully in the Kingdom of Thailand since 2005 and has assisted numerous foreign and local Thai businesses in sourcing candidates, outplacement issues as well as general HR matters. Should you require any assistance with regard to the services that we offer, please contact us directly on