
Recruitment of decent candidates is arguably the most important function of any HR department in this day and age of technology. The HR recruitment officer in any organization is usually the first person to screen potential candidates which ultimately leads to vacant positions being filled hopefully by qualified, experienced and good people. Here are some… Continue reading IMPORTANT RECRUITMENT STEPS

People often confuse CVs (Curriculum Vitaes) and Resumes believing that they are just different words for exactly the same document or meaning.  In reality, however, these two important even often possibly life changing career documents are totally different from the perspective of structure, form and usage. The main differences between CVs and Resumes relate to… Continue reading Resume or CV? – CV or Resume?

Many job seekers are unable to decide categorically what the correct protocol is in so far as including a photograph of themselves or not on their resume applications for new positions. There is definitely not a correct or incorrect answer to this dilemna, but many job seekers avoid attaching photographs of themselves on their resumes… Continue reading Photograph or no photograph on your resume? Great question but no correct answer!

The spread of the COVID-19 virus has impacted both people and businesses significantly across the globe. It has changed both employee behavior and attitude towards office work.  When office workers were first allowed back into the workplace following the first virus wave, a shift in perception became apparent as they realized the benefits of working… Continue reading Hybrid Work Model

Thailand continues to be hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. While many companies in Bangkok have allowed for many and in some cases all of their employees to work from home to flatten the curve adopting the practice of social distancing, there are numerous newly hired employees in many organizations that should be taken care… Continue reading New onboard of employee during WFH policy

What we would like to share with you in this article are the future work trends for 2021 and beyond. Now we are at the beginning of 2021 and there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel that we can see in the near future.  Here are some trends that we… Continue reading Career after COVID: Top trends on what we see is going to happen in the world of work for 2021 and beyond.

The latest RSM Thailand “Doing Business in Thailand” publication has just been released and it is both a useful and comprehensive guide to assist foreign investors intending to set up operations in Thailand. The publication provides an overview of Thailand as a country for investment, types of business entities, taxation guidelines, financial reporting standards, financial… Continue reading Doing Business in Thailand

As the second wave of Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic crisis hits Thailand and outplacement Thailand, there are a series of legislative taxation amendments being made and, in this case, more than one time in one month. Effective 26th January 2021, the Thai Social Security Office further reduces employees’ contributions to the worker welfare fund for… Continue reading Employee Social Security Contribution Rate in Thailand Reduced to 75 baht for Two Months

Numerous companies undertaking business in Thailand headhunter have since 2020 implemented a policy allowing or even requiring their employees to work from home either temporarily, permanently, or on a rotation basis. This is to protect their safety or that of others from both the first & second wave outbreaks of the coronavirus pandemic. However, many… Continue reading Obstacles of WFH

As the second wave of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic crisis hits Thailand and headhunter Bangkok, a series of legislative taxation amendments have been enacted.  Effective 1st January 2021, the Thai Social Security Office has reduced employers’ and employees’ contributions to the worker welfare fund for three months (1 January 2021 – 31 March 2021).… Continue reading New Year Amendment in Social Security Payment Obligations in Thailand Due to Second Wave of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)